Bienvenidos / Welcome

Este blog nace de una curiosidad personal, por el placer que me provoca que me cuenten historias, por la necesidad constante de saber sobre el principio de las cosas y por sobre todo, porque siempre me fascinaron los relatos que hablan del azar del encuentro, del amor que llega cuando menos lo esperamos. De aquel amor que se nos cruza, nos sorprende y por el cual caemos hechizados bajo su fascinación. 
En este caso el amor es…  el tango.            
Y pensé en todas las entrañables personas que he conocido en este mundo tanguero, gente de todo el mundo, y en la posibilidad insospechada que ellos tienen de conocer el tango. Y luego, pensé en la Argentina, donde el tango es parte de nuestra cotidianeidad. En ambos casos es imposible escapar a su flechazo y menos aún sucumbir ante su encanto.
Y es así como surgió esta idea, este cruce de relatos,  estas andanzas tangueras…
Agradezco enormemente la colaboración de todos los que hacen posible este blog y convoco nuevamente a quienes quieran participar y contarnos cómo fue su “primera vez con el tango”, el  flechazo, el impulso inicial que nos lleva hoy a estar acá compartiendo esta pasión.

Les doy la bienvenida y los invito a esparcir estos relatos de amor entre los suyos…
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I started this blog inspired by a personal curiosity, the joy of storytelling. I always liked stories that talk about randomness and love, the love that catches us off guard and casts us under a spell.
In this case, our love is ... Tango
I thought of all the people I came across from all over the world, who randomly discovered tango. Then, I thought about Argentina, where tango is part of our daily life. In both cases, we have one thing in common, we suddenly fall in love and there is no escape.
That's how this idea was woven together, thread by thread of tales shared by ´tangueros´- of their very first experience with tango.
For all of you who want to participate and tell us about that impulse that led you to this world.
Please send me your story of your first experience with tango. I welcome you all and hope these personal tales of falling in love with Tango sparks and/or reignites a flame within each one of you.  I also invite you to spread these tales amongst your friends ...

Thank you for sharing your tale with us and making this blog possible.


Contame tu historia / Tell me your story

Si querés participar

Enviame la historia  de tu primera experiencia en el tango vía email a

No es necesario que seas escritxr, pueden participar todxs aquellxs que hayan sido flechadxs por el tango : quienes lo bailan o enseñan, quienes lo tocan o escuchan, quienes hacen su historia ...

Idioma: escribi en el idioma que más cómodo y fluido sea para vos

Es importante que figure tu nacionalidad, no es necesario que envíes tu nombre, puedes usar un seudónimo.

Yo no reformaré, ni corregiré el contenido de ninguna historia, solo voy a subirlas al blog.

Gracias !!!!!

If you want to participate

Send me the story of your first tango experience via email to

It is not necessary that you be a writer, all those who have been touched by tango can participate: those who dance or teach it, those who play or listen to it, those who make their history ...

Language: write in the language that is most comfortable and fluent for you

It is important that your nationality appear, it is not necessary that you send your name, you can use a pseudonym.

I will not reform, nor correct the content of any story, I will only upload them to the blog.

Thank you !!!!!

“This is why I started to dance tango”

In 1997, one of my fellow students from the University of Bonn, who was dancing a bit of Tango, asked me and another friend if we wanted to see The Tango Lesson. I didn’t know anything about the film, which was directed by and starred Sally Potter. It turned out to be an autobiographical dramatization of Sally Potter’s first experience with Tango. After seeing a Tango performance in Paris, she becomes impassioned with the desire to learn how to dance Tango. Needless to say, she also becomes impassioned with the performer, Pablo Verón, who plays himself. She travels to Buenos Aires and immerses herself into learning the Tango. I saw the film and got really hooked by the story, which was incidentally, divided into chapters called, “The First Lesson,” “The Second Lesson,” “The Third Lesson,” etc. Her way of learning-by-just-doing really grabbed me. This was also my way of doing things - focus and go deep. Two days after I saw the film, I attended a Milonga in Bonn. After the intro class, the local Argentine Tango teacher asked me, a total beginner, for a dance- at my first Milonga, ever! Knowing nearly nothing, I had my first Tango dance experience. Or rather, MY “first lesson.” I was sure then and there that I needed to learn this dance.

Bärbel Rücker from Denmark